
Welcome to the submission form page. Please fill out the information below and read all instructions carefully. Please only submit your application once. Thanks!

In order to be considered you need to upload a short video where you act out a simple scene.


You are staying at a motel and you like to hang out at the pool. It's a very hot day, and everybody around the pool is very still, trying to beat the heat.

In this scene, you notice that a paper towel falls into the pool and absorbs all of the water, leaving the pool completely empty.

CAMERA FRAMING: Please frame a waist up shot of yourself sitting in a chair.

GUIDE TRACK: Below is a link for a guide track. We encourage you to play this as you perform the scene. It will paint a picture of what you’re seeing and feeling.


Are you having trouble submitting an application? Please email sylvia@jigsawcasting.com